It is mild, has a rich foam and excellent foam stabilization. Compatible with various surfactants; has good compatibility.
About Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate CAS 137-16-6
It is mild, has a rich foam and good stabilization of foam; can be compatible with various surfactants; has good compatibility.
Product Performance of the Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate (CAS 137-16-6):
Lauramidopropyl-hydroxy-sulfobetaine (CAS 13197-76-7). Please send us an inquiry for the most recent price of Lauramidopropyl hydro sulfobetaine. If you are interested in purchasing Lauramidopropyl Hydroxy Sulfobetaine, CAS 13197-76-7.
Technical Parameter Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate CAS 137-16-6
Product Code
Active material content
Formula Molecular
Free Fatty Acid (%)
Lauramidopropyl hydroxy sulfobetaine
RCON(CH 3), CH 2COONa, R=Coconut Oil Base
Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate CAS 137-16-6:
In the dye and electroplating industries, it can act as a smoothing agent to protect precious metal coatings. In dye industry, the compound is used for the formation excimer complexes. In the dye industry, it is conducive to the formation of excimer complexes between dyes.
Packing & shipping of Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate (CAS 137-16-6):
Depending on what you need, we have a wide range of different packing.
Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate CAS 137-16-6
Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate CAS 137-16-6
Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate CAS 137-16-6
There are two barrel sizes: 25kg and 200kg.
Sodium lauroyl sarcosinate CAS 137-16-6
Upon receipt of payment, goods can be shipped by air, sea, or express as soon a possible.