How to Measure the Quality of Foaming Agents?
There are mainly three indicators: foamability, foam toughness, and bleeding, to measure the quality of foaming agents.…
There are mainly three indicators: foamability, foam toughness, and bleeding, to measure the quality of foaming agents.…
A water-based, organic high-temperature lubricating product is the water-based Boron Nitride Emulsion. It doesn't bond with or infiltrate molten metallic liquids and it can protect surfaces of ceramic utensils or other refractory material. About Wa…
The organic compound Sorbitan Monolaurate is miscible in organic solvents, oils and oils About Sorbitan monolaurate: The sorbitan monolaurate miscibles with oils, organic solvents to form a water-based semi-emulsion. Dehydration of sorbitol is for…